Difference between what is and what you want.

I get very anxious when I have two people that want something done at the same time. I think many people would laugh at that - those that have dozens of people that need something done now. But it only takes two for me.

I think a part of it is that I’ve gotten into the “inbox zero” habit over the years. I hate to have things pile up. I want to address things immediately. And when I can’t, because of other stuff going on with work or family, I get stressed.

Today, my good buddy Andy from Headspace (we’ve actually never met before, but I feel like he’s my best friend), defined stress as the difference between what is and what you want. I suppose that want I “want” is for nobody to demand things from me, ever. And the difference is that people need to have things done, at a specific time.

I’m also reminded of a classic mom quote - “We can only ask that you do your best.” So I guess that is where I sit. To do my best to addresses things, when people need them. But too not stress out over it. I’m way more efficient with clearer, calmer mind.


Now read this

Finding Flow in Business

I started listening to Flow on my morning run with the kids. Here is how Mihaly describes flow: Flow tends to occur when a person faces a clear set of goals that require appropriate responses. It is easy to enter flow in games such as... Continue →