Blogging helps focus? Maybe.

I’m heading home from my DC trip, appreciating that I blogged about the experience. It’s nice to be able to reflect on the day, and write about what’s going on in business and life. Not that I would expect to look back at any specific post. Or that any other people would read it for that matter. But it helps to give some “definition” to the day. It’s kind of like marking a to-do item off an check list. It’s not only rewarding, but also helps me to focus, and contemplate how I’m spending my time.


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Forget the Developer (at first)

I’ve written about The Purlem Story a couple years back on Purlem’s blog. When I started Purlem, I knew very little about software development. Sure, I could throw together a quick site in Dreamweaver, but making that site dynamic in any... Continue →