Peak of Productivity

I was joking around this weekend saying that my “peak of productivity” was in the morning during my 3ish mile run, with the kids, while listening to an audio book.


Routine typically goes that kids wake up. We do milk, diapers (while watching some bubble guppies). I get the snacks and stroller ready. And we’re off.

I mean, it serves so many different purposes - I get my workout in. Kids enjoy getting out of the house (and it’s one of the only times they’re both actually quite - besides nap time). I typically learn something new from the audio book. It’s a creative time when some of my best ideas occur to me. And MariKate get’s to sleep in a bit!

Just trying to figure out how we’re going to pull this off when the third kid arrives. Might have to get this stroller. But I love my Bob.


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Adding Authentication to Laravel 5.1

Laravel 5 came out with a nice Auth scaffolding, which included all of the routes/controllers/views for registering and authenticating a user. Laravel 5 got away with this to keep the product slim (which I think is a good move). Laravel... Continue →